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The 5th round table meeting for the CAMPUS Asia program was held!

The 5th round table meeting for the CAMPUS Asia program took place on September 1 in Seoul, Korea. Led by Prof. Akihide Tada, six faculty and staff members from the Graduate School of Engineering, Nagasaki University, participated in the round table meeting. The meeting was also joined by representatives of the School of Civil Engineering and the School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Shandong University as well as by Prof. Jun Kyungsoo, Dean of the Graduate School of Water Resources and other members from Sungkyunkwan University.

The focus of the meeting was to discuss specific issues for establishing the double degree program next year, based on the ideas exchanged at the previous meeting. Nagasaki University proposed a basic plan for practical time schedule as to when students should start and finish the program and compose their master’s thesis. Since the three universities have different requirements for graduation, our challenge is whether we can establish a two-year double degree program with a standardized schedule for entrance examination. While each university further clarifies issues and points of concern, we will soon have to reach a conclusion about whether the program can be launched next year.

The six-month exchange program based on the credit transfer system is almost ready to start in September, and its progress was also reported at the meeting. Nagasaki University, as a host university, explained about its special introductory program organized for the incoming students, as well as their supervisor allocation and laboratory placement.