
The 11th Round Table Meeting for the CAMPUS Asia Program was held at Qingdao campus of Shandong University.

On August 18, 2019, the 11th Round Table Meeting for the CAMPUS Asia Program was held at Qingdao campus of Shandong University, China. Six representatives from Nagasaki University, led by Professor Akihide Tada, participated in the meeting. Five representatives led by Professor Kyungsoo Jun from Graduate School of Water Resources, Sungkyunkwan University, also attended the meeting with many staff members of School of Civil Engineering and School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Shandong University.

The meeting covered various topics, including, among others, updated status of student mobility in FY2019, progress of the joint curriculum “International Course in Civil Infrastructure Maintenance,” and master thesis review policy for the Double Degree Program. Furthermore, Shandong University shared the final report of Monitoring+ conducted by the Ministry of Education in China, which led to active discussion on the future development of the project. After the meeting, outbound students in FY2018 and their supervisors talked in-depth about their research progress.

In FY2019, 62 students from three universities in total have participated in this project, including Summer School Program, Long-Term Exchange based on the Double Degree Program and Short-Term Exchange based on the Credit Transfer System. Their common objective is to learn about infrastructure maintenance and management in each country through deep interaction with faculty and students in partner universities.

During the meeting, three universities agreed to start preparing for the joint curriculum “International Course in Civil Infrastructure Maintenance” in FY2020, which will offer special lectures by invited lecturers from other universities. Another consensus was made as to the master thesis review policy including time schedule, review requirements and practical method, for the first DD students who will graduate in FY2019.

Since the Double Degree Program is one of the highlights of the project, it is highly expected that the DD students will successfully complete the program by submitting two master thesis and passing the final oral examination. We also look forward to their future career as global leaders.