
3rd Campus Asia Round Table Meeting

The 3rd working-level round table meeting on Campus Asia project was held online on August 18, 2012. Working-level representatives from Shandong University, Sungkyunkwan University, Nanyang Technological University, and National University of Laos, as well as faculty and staff members from the Graduate School of Engineering, Nagasaki University, participated in the meeting and actively discussed and exchanged opinions.

At this meeting, the focus of discussion was on student exchange agreements among the five universities, and it was agreed that such agreements would be concluded among the five universities by the end of this academic year. In addition, opinions were exchanged on the number of exchanged students, progress, and problems of the “Japan-China-Korea Double Degree Program” and the “Hybrid Short-Term Academic Exchange Program”. In particular, the “Hybrid Short-Term Academic Exchange Program”, which is being held for the first time, has attracted more students than planned, and they are highly motivated to participate, making it a very successful program. Furthermore, the schedule for launching the “International Collaboration Laboratory” this academic year was confirmed, and preparations to launch in February 2023 are on full swing.