A briefing session for the 2018 outbound exchange program through the Inter-University Exchange Project was held on April 12, 2018. The programs to be offered are the study abroad program based on the Double Degree (DD) program, a short-term exchange program, and a summer school program. The session was held for the first year students, the third year students and the fourth year students of the Civil and Environmental Engineering Course at the Graduate School of Engineering.
Professor Tada, director of the program at Nagasaki University, gave a summary of the program and explained the content of the previous years’ outbound and inbound exchange program, mentioning the field of studies that the students are eligible to choose at Shandong University and Sungkyunkwan University. In addition, two of the graduate students who participated in the short-term exchange program in 2017 at each university shared their study abroad experiences.
Professor Sugimoto, Civil and Environmental Engineering Course, elaborated on the program by giving additional information such as a summary of each university, program participation costs, and the application period. In particular, the outstanding difference in the 2018 program compared to the previous years is that the DD program was added to the outbound exchange program. It came true as a result of the signing of an agreement for the DD program at the second Consortium Committee for Nurturing Leading Infrastructure Engineers held on March 29, 2018.
According to the survey conducted on the students who joined the briefing session, many of them showed their interest in participating in the study abroad program, especially the summer program. There will be two more briefing sessions for the students in other courses of the Graduate School of Engineering, and we hope to encourage more and more students to study abroad through the program.