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The 3rd Consortium Meeting for Nurturing Leading Infrastructure Engineer

The 3rd Consortium Meeting for Nurturing Leading Infrastructure Engineer was held on November 13, 2023 at Sungkyunkwan University in Korea and representatives from Sungkyunkwan University (Korea), Shandong University (China), National University of Laos (Laos), and the Graduate School of Engineering, Nagasaki University, participated in the meeting to discuss and exchange opinions on Campus Asia Program.

To begin with, the implementation report on FY2023 “Hybrid Short-Term Exchange Program” was made by this year’s host university, Shandong University. The overall result turned out to be a success with increased number of participants, and moreover, all the participants were able to travel to two other countries for taking part in the program in-person, and feedbacks from the students were overall favorable ones. Also, program report on FY2023 Double Degree Program was made by Nagasaki University, followed by an active discussion as to the current implementation status as well as some challenges and proposals related to Double Degree Program and Hybrid Short-Term Exchange Program.

As to the plan for 2024, all representatives agreed to launch the new program “ASEAN Expanded Short-Term Exchange Program” from FY2024 including Nanyang Technology University (Singapore) and National University of Laos, while continuing the existing Double Degree Program and Hybrid Short-Term Exchanging Program. Having the MOA between Nanyang University and Nagasaki University been concluded this year, Nagasaki University now plans to send two students to Nanyang University on trial basis starting from 2023.

Finally, the representatives discussed on “International Collaboration Laboratory”, which is a resource sharing system among participating universities, proposed by Assoc. Prof. NISHIKAWA of Nagasaki University to solicit effective utilization of resources, joint research, as well as co-hosting of symposium, etc. Representatives from China, Korea and Japan agreed to sign on the agreement by the end of 2023, and once this agreement is concluded, it is much-anticipated to boost the active research exchange not only among students but also among faculties of all participating universities.