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The 4th Consortium Meeting of CAMPUS Asia Program for Nurturing Global Leaders in Sustainable Infrastructure Development

On December 6, 2024, the 4th Consortium Meeting of CAMPUS Asia Program for Nurturing Global Leaders in Sustainable Infrastructure Development was held at Shandong University, China. A total of 31 participants from five participating universities (7 from Nagasaki University, 2 from Sungkyunkwan University in Korea, 19 from Shandong University in China, 2 from National University of Laos, and 1 from Nanyang Technological University in Singapore) attended this consortium meeting.

In the opening remarks, each university reviewed and commented that the CAMPUS Asia Program contributed significantly to nurturing global human resources for infrastructure development, by constantly improving DD Program, Short-Term Exchange program, and introducing a credit transfer system. In addition, the participants expressed their hope that the establishment of the International Collaboration Laboratory would lead to further cooperation between universities, soliciting more active research collaboration and faculty exchanges.

The main topics of this meeting were as follows:
1) 2024 Implementation Report on four major programs
 a) Hybrid Short-Term Exchange Program
 b) Double Degree Program (DD)
 c) ASEAN Expanded Short-Term Exchange Program
 d) International Collaboration Laboratory
2) 2025 Implementation Plan
3) Discussion to further improve the quality of the program

Regarding the implementation plan for 2025, all participants agreed on the proposed schedule and number of exchange students for the four major programs. Regarding the ASEAN Expanded Short-Term Exchange Program, Nagasaki University announced its plan to continue to accept students from the National University of Laos (NUOL), as well as to dispatch students to both NUOL and Nanyang Technological University in FY2025. It was also agreed that an international symposium and alumni event would be held simultaneously at Nagasaki University in late 2025.

After the meeting, Shandong University hosted “The Second Research Exchange Seminar” to promote research exchange between universities. From Nagasaki University, Professor Tomoaki Itayama and Associate Professor Shinta Seto presented their research results.

The third mode of the CAMPUS Asia Program will come to an end in March 2026. Since FY2025 will be the final year of the program, five universities have confirmed that they will continue to work closely to further enhance the quality of the program in 2025.


ASEAN Expanded Exchange Program 2024

An ASEAN-Expanded Exchange Program was implemented from August 22 through September 17, 2024, and one faculty member and one master’s degree student from National University of Laos were invited to Nagasaki University to exchange research information and explore the future possibilities of research collaboration. Both were accepted to the laboratory of Civil and Environmental Engineering Program and undertook research activities and information exchange under the supervision of Associate Professor Takafumi Nishikawa (Structural Engineering Lab) for 27 days.


Hybrid Short-Term Exchange Program 2024

From July 13, 2024, a Hybrid Short-Term Exchange Program 2024 was implemented among five participating universities: Nagasaki University, Sungkyunkwan University (South Korea), Shandong University (China), National University of Laos, and Nanyang Technological University (Singapore). This program is part of the CAMPUS Asia Program, which aims to foster infrastructure professionals who can play an active role on the global stage and is designed to provide the opportunity to understand the different cultures and current status of infrastructure in each country. The program consisted of two parts: (1) online lectures (7/13-8/3) and (2) on-site programs at each university (8/9-8/28). A total of 36 students from four universities (12 from Nagasaki, 10 from Sungkyunkwan, 12 from Shandong, and 2 from Laos) participated this year. In addition, Nagasaki University started dispatching students to the ASEAN region from this year: Laos and Singapore (2 students each), for more active student exchange in the wider region.

The program at each university included special lectures, local language lesson, cultural experiences, city tours and visits to infrastructure sites. At Nagasaki University, we arranged an overnight trip to Unzen and Shimabara to visit disaster stricken sites and infrastructure facilities in Nagasaki. On the last day of the program, each group gave a presentation of their results, and it was evident that each group had lively exchanges during the three-week program, making it a meaningful program for each student.

In addition, from this year, the framework of the CJK exchange program was extended to the ASEAN region. Nagasaki University dispatched two students each to Nanyang Technological University (Singapore) and National University of Laos. In Singapore, while students visited Nanyang Technological University, they also had the opportunity to participate in the internship training for three days at a local Japanese company’s infrastructure construction site, with special support from the Penta-Ocean Construction Co., Ltd. It provided them with first-hand experience of overseas infrastructure building and was a very precious experience for them that may have a significant impact on their future careers.

In Laos, the program was prepared by National University of Laos: (1) Presentations by students from both sides introducing the current status of infrastructure in Japan and Laos, (2) Infrastructure lectures, (3) Lao Art Museum construction site visit, and (4) a Vientiane City tour. The students were also able to deepen their understanding of the local culture and people through exchanges with many Laotian students.

As the Campus Asia program comes to an end in March 2026, the next Hybrid Short-Term Exchange Program in 2025 is expected to be the final one.


The 7th Working-Level Round-Table Meeting on Campus Asia Program

The 7th Working-Level Round-Table Meeting on Campus Asia Program was held online on April 23, with the participation of Shandong University (China), Sungkyunkwan University (Korea), National University of Laos, Nanyang Technological University (Singapore), and Nagasaki University. At this meeting, discussions were held mainly on the “2024 Hybrid Short-Term Exchange Program”, and this year’s host, Sungkyunkwan University, gave a detailed explanation on the implementation plan. As a result, it was decided that the overall schedule would be from July 13 to August 28, with online lectures from July to early August, followed by the actual study abroad program in the order of Korea, China, and Japan. After the program at Nagasaki University, additional study abroad programs in Laos and Singapore are also planned, depending on how the academic calendars of each university are adjusted. The number of participants and the details of student support plan at each university have largely been decided, and each university will now work on specific preparations, such as recruiting students and adjusting lecture contents and schedules.

Next, NU’s Associate Professor Suzuki explained the plan between Nagasaki University and National University of Laos for the “ASEAN Extended Short-Term Exchange Program,” which will be fully implemented from this academic year. He also said that Nagasaki University will start concrete preparations based on this plan, and that he expects other universities to initiate active discussions between the two universities toward its implementation as well.

Associate Professor Suzuki also explained Nagasaki University’s plan on inviting special research students to NU’s Graduate School of Integrated Science and Technology for laboratory exercises, as part of the “International Collaboration Lab” scheme. The International Collaboration Lab is one of the important components of the CAMPUS Asia Program and was launched to boost active research exchange not only among students but also among faculty members.

Lastly, the results of the interim evaluation conducted last fall by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) were released last month, and it was reported that this program received an “A” grade. The comments from the Ministry were also shared, and the meeting was concluded with the confirmation that the five universities will continue to cooperate with each other to further enhance the program and ensure its smooth and steady implementation.


The 1st External Evaluation Committee Meeting for Nagasaki University’s CAMPUS Asia Inter-University Exchange Project (Mode 3) was held.

The 1st External Evaluation Committee Meeting for the CAMPUS Asia Inter-University Exchange Project (Mode 3) was held on March 11, 2024, at Nagasaki University. The committee consisted of four members: Professor Emeritus of Yamaguchi University, Chairman of Dai Nippon Engineering Consultants, Professor of NU Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, and Professor of NU Graduate School of Fisheries and Environmental Sciences. The purpose of the meeting was to review the implementation of the project “Asia Intercollegiate Cooperative Project for Nurturing Global Leaders in Sustainable Infrastructure Development” (Mode 3) to date, and discuss room for improvement for better implementation through the end of this project.

The meeting was opened with an address by Prof. Daisaku Sakaguchi, Dean of the Graduate School of Engineering, followed by an explanation by Assoc. Prof. Seiji Suzuki on the project’s 1) Overview (background, objectives, etc.), 2) Progress, and 3) Future Prospects. Next, the external evaluation committee members reviewed the results of the past 3 years since the beginning of this project (Mode 3). While we received generally high evaluations of our efforts in this project, we also received candid comments from various perspectives, including the need for a follow-up survey of alumni after their participation in this project, the need for more effective PR activities with specific figures, and the need for appropriate evaluation of the faculty members in charge and strengthening of the project support system by the university.

As an advisory body to the Consortium Steering Committee for Human Resource Development in Infrastructure, the external evaluation committee consisting of experts from inside and outside the university was convened to evaluate and verify the status of the project, including the content of the student exchange program, quality of education, and appropriate PR, thus enabling us to make continuous improvements based on the recommendations and opinions of the committee. In the evaluation report by the committee, it is stated, “It is highly commendable that the project plan has been steadily implemented, including regular consortium meetings to guarantee the quality of the student exchange program and education. While the appropriate organizational structure within the department is in place for the continuation of the project, further strengthening of the project support system as a university organization, including appropriate evaluation of the faculty members in charge, is desired.” The external evaluation report will be posted on our website in due course.

We will take the valuable feedback from the committee seriously and use it to further develop our project for the next two years until the end of the project’s implementation period (Mode 3).


CAMPUS Asia Winter Short-Term Exchange Program in NAGASAKI

Six graduate students from Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU) in Korea came to Nagasaki University (NU) to participate in “CAMPUS Asia Winter Short-Term Exchange Program in Nagasaki” from January 15th through 26th, 2024. The program was designed as part of CAMPUS Asia Program and those SKKU graduate students were accepted as “special research student” for two weeks.

The program mainly consisted of three parts: 1) lectures, 2) site visits, and 3) practical exercises at laboratory, and key themes were on Japan’s natural disaster and its reconstruction efforts, and also, watershed, soil and environment protection and management. After obtaining basic knowledge with lectures, students made a field trip to disaster-stricken Shimabara (volcanic eruption occurred in 1990) and Kumamoto (earthquake occurred in 2016) and witnessed the magnitude of natural disasters and learned how Japanese people responded and restored with advanced technologies to cope with the situation. Students were also assigned to two laboratories, i.e. Watershed Environment Lab and Structural Engineering Lab, and experienced practical exercises such as field study, experiment and data analysis.

Besides the lectures and lab exercises, cultural programs such as Japanese language lesson, Japanese food cooking, and student exchange session with NU students were also organized for better understanding of Japanese culture. During the private time, students were busy exploring Nagasaki and enjoyed eating Japanese cuisine, taking street cars and wandering around the city on their own.

On the last day of this program, three faculty members of SKKU attended in person to observe final presentation session, and students made group presentations on what they have learned and experienced during this program and how the program contributed to stimulate their intellectual curiosity. As some of them already expressed their interest in pursing their study-abroad in the future, we hope that many students at SKKU will become more familiar with CAMPUS Asia Program and participate in the program in the future.


The 3rd Consortium Meeting for Nurturing Leading Infrastructure Engineer

The 3rd Consortium Meeting for Nurturing Leading Infrastructure Engineer was held on November 13, 2023 at Sungkyunkwan University in Korea and representatives from Sungkyunkwan University (Korea), Shandong University (China), National University of Laos (Laos), and the Graduate School of Engineering, Nagasaki University, participated in the meeting to discuss and exchange opinions on Campus Asia Program.

To begin with, the implementation report on FY2023 “Hybrid Short-Term Exchange Program” was made by this year’s host university, Shandong University. The overall result turned out to be a success with increased number of participants, and moreover, all the participants were able to travel to two other countries for taking part in the program in-person, and feedbacks from the students were overall favorable ones. Also, program report on FY2023 Double Degree Program was made by Nagasaki University, followed by an active discussion as to the current implementation status as well as some challenges and proposals related to Double Degree Program and Hybrid Short-Term Exchange Program.

As to the plan for 2024, all representatives agreed to launch the new program “ASEAN Expanded Short-Term Exchange Program” from FY2024 including Nanyang Technology University (Singapore) and National University of Laos, while continuing the existing Double Degree Program and Hybrid Short-Term Exchanging Program. Having the MOA between Nanyang University and Nagasaki University been concluded this year, Nagasaki University now plans to send two students to Nanyang University on trial basis starting from 2023.

Finally, the representatives discussed on “International Collaboration Laboratory”, which is a resource sharing system among participating universities, proposed by Assoc. Prof. NISHIKAWA of Nagasaki University to solicit effective utilization of resources, joint research, as well as co-hosting of symposium, etc. Representatives from China, Korea and Japan agreed to sign on the agreement by the end of 2023, and once this agreement is concluded, it is much-anticipated to boost the active research exchange not only among students but also among faculties of all participating universities.


Double Degree Program students arrived in Japan!

In early September, three Double Degree exchange students from Shandon University, China arrived in Nagasaki to study for one year in the master program at Nagasaki University. This is the fourth year in a row that Nagasaki University accepts Double Degree students as part of CAMPUS Asia Project. On September 4, orientation was held to provide an overview of Nagasaki University, the schedule of classes to be held at Nagasaki University, and introduction of faculty members. In addition, the international coordinators explained in detail the procedures and important points to keep in mind for daily life in Japan.

Since the launch of the second mode, a pre-entrance education program has been held in every September for all international exchange students to enable them to smoothly attend lectures starting in October. As done in the previous year, elementary level Japanese language course as well as recreational activities with Japanese students were conducted to familiarize them with Japanese life. We are also planning Japanese infrastructure construction sites visits for the inbound international exchange students in the future, and we will do our utmost to support the students and make their education and research experience at Nagasaki University more valuable.


Hybrid Short-Term Academic Exchange Program was Conducted

Hosted by Shandong University (China) in collaboration with Nagasaki University (Japan), Sungkyunkwan University (Korea), Nanyang Technological University (Singapore), and National University of Laos (Laos), the “Hybrid Short-Term Academic Exchange Program 2023” was conducted both online and in-person from July 15 through August 23, 2023. The number of participating students totaled to 28, including eleven from Shandong University (School of Civil Engineering, School of Qilu Transportation, and School of Environmental Science and Engineering), eight from Nagasaki University, eight from Sungkyunkwan University, and one from National University of Laos.

This program is one of the main features of Campus Asia Project, which deepens students’ insight into different cultures and other countries’ infrastructures through an academic exchange program that combines online study and actual travel abroad. In the first half of the program from July 15 to August 6, online lectures were delivered by faculty experts of the sustainable social infrastructure development in China, Japan, Korea and Singapore. Then, students actually traveled abroad to continue the second half of the program from August 6 to August 23, 2023. They visited Nagasaki University, Sungkyunkwan University, and Shandong University in sequence. Visiting multiple destinations is one of the unique benefits that the program offers.

From August 6 through 10, program delegates (eight students from Sungkyunkwan University, eight students and one staff member from Shandong University, and one student from National University of Laos) stayed in Nagasaki. Japanese students and eight alumni members from the second mode of Campus Asia Project had volunteered to support in planning and organizing the student-oriented program. It consisted of a special lecture on infrastructure, Japanese language lessons, lectures on Japanese history and culture, as well as group-working sessions. While acquiring specialized knowledge in the current status of infrastructure maintenance in Japan, the students enjoyed multicultural experience and got familiar with other participants and alumni members. Students from Nagasaki University took the leadership in the local city tour, visiting cultural and infrastructure-related sites in Nagasaki. Unfortunately, due to the typhoon, they had to cancel the visit to Mt. Unzen and Disaster Memorial Hall, but they had a great opportunity to experience Japanese culture and understand the social background of infrastructure development/maintenance in Japan.

Next, delegates (eight students and one staff member from Nagasaki University, and eleven students and one staff member from Shandong University) traveled to Korea to visit Sungkyunkwan University from August 11 to August 15. As part of a site tour of infrastructure-related facilities, the students visited the Sihwa Lake Tidal Power Station. For the cultural experiences, they went on tour around Seoul’s ancient palace, Gyeongbokgung, and Bukchon Hanok Village which is known for traditional Korean style buildings. They also enjoyed the view from Namsan Seoul Tower, which helped them understand how the city has been developed, and visited some facilities within Sungkyunkwan University campus. The students were eager to learn about different cultures during their study abroad and actively interacted with students participating in Campus Asia Project, gaining valuable experiences.

Finally, delegates (eight students and one staff member from Nagasaki University, and eight students from Sungkyunkwan University) visited Shandong University, the host university of the program this year. At Shandong University, in addition to Chinese language and culture class, students attended professional lectures on civil engineering, irrigation engineering, and geotechnical engineering which were conducted based on the combined technical and practical expertise actually applied in China, Japan and Korea. A unique cultural program was also organized to visit Shandong University Museum, Chinese Traditional Culture Experience Center, Shandong Museum, and Temple and Cemetery of Confucius and the Kong Family Mansion in Qufu, which facilitated deeper understanding of the history of Shandong University and its influential educational philosophy. Furthermore, visit to the Jinan Metro construction site and laboratories served as a great opportunity for students to enhance their knowledge in their professional field and gain insights into the future with a clearer understanding of the similarities and differences in the basic process of infrastructure construction among the three countries.

In the afternoon of August 22, group-work and presentation sessions were conducted, with online and offline participants and representatives from Japan, China and Korea. Students shared their experience and lessons learned through this hybrid program. After reviewing all individual and group presentations, one group and six members were selected and awarded with certificates.

This hybrid program was certainly a wonderful experience for participating students. A survey is being conducted, of which results will be posted on the website in a timely manner. It is hoped that these students will be further engaged in other programs, i.e., the “Hybrid Short-Term Exchange Program,” “ASEAN Expanded Short-Term Exchange Program,” and “Japan-China-Korea Double Degree Program” in the future.


Presentation Session by Three Inbound DD Students

On August 2, 2023, three international students accepted from Shandong University based on the Double Degree Program (“DD Program”) as part of Campus Asia project delivered presentation on their achievement. Their supervisors, other faculty and administrative staff members concerned, as well as other students in the same laboratory attended in this presentation session.

Looking back on the past year at Nagasaki University, three international students shared their academic and research experiences, particularly the research activities and achievements on their master thesis work, and the status of progress in preparing for the interim report. They also talked about their personal memories with many photographs, including distinctive food they had tried in Nagasaki, daily life in the dormitory, their impression on Nagasaki in general, and how much they enjoyed traveling other cities in Japan.

In the survey conducted after the program, the students responded “satisfactory” or “good” to all questionnaire items. When asked about the changes they recognize before and after the program, they commented as follows: “This experience has changed my life tremendously. Through the exchange life, I gained opportunities to acquire basic English skills, meet many new different people, and learn about the world.” “In the international exchange, I have been blessed with many academic and research opportunities and have significantly improved my abilities in cross-cultural communication as well as Japanese language skills.” The survey result demonstrates that the exchange program at Nagasaki University has contributed to their personal growth and inspired them to explore the possibilities of studying in the doctoral course. It is a privilege for staff to see the positive impact of Campus Asia project.

At the conclusion of the session, Professor Tanabe, Head of the Water and Environmental Science Program, delivered a speech to appreciate the hard work and achievement of the international students. It is hoped that their experience at Nagasaki University will be a lifelong asset for their future, helping them to contribute to society as a bridge among Japan, China and Korea in the infrastructure industry. The students in the DD Program are expected to graduate from Nagasaki University in March 2024 after completing their master thesis in close collaboration with supervisors in both universities.