The second Consortium Steering Committee for Nurturing Leading Infrastructure Engineers and the seventh CAMPUS Asia round table meeting took place in Nagasaki University.
On March 29, 2018, the second Consortium Committee for Nurturing Leading Infrastructure Engineers and the seventh CAMPUS Asia round table meeting took place in Nagasaki University. The meeting was joined by five representatives of the School of Civil Engineering and the School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Shandong University as well as by Prof. Jun Kyungsoo, Dean of the Graduate School of Water Resources and other five members from Sungkyunkwan University.
There has been a student exchange based on the credit transfer system among the three universities in 2017, after this project was adopted. Representatives from each university, who have been working hard to provide high quality education and to foster high-level engineers, gathered at Nagasaki University to conduct the second Consortium Committee for Nurturing Leading Infrastructure Engineers, as well as to hold a signing ceremony for double degree program. (Hereafter, referred as DD) At the beginning of the committee, President Kohno, Nagasaki University, Professor Liu, the Vice Dean of Graduate School of Civil Engineering in Shandong University, Professor Jun, the Dean of Graduate School of Water Resources, Sungkyunkwan University gave a speech respectively, each mentioning their aspirations for better cooperation and strengthening of trilateral relationship.
This project will be further developed with the common understanding of the needs to advance education system for graduate schools in China, Japan, and Korea to meet the demand for globalization.
At the round table meeting, the result of the student dispatch and acceptance in 2017 was reported, and with the signing of the DD system, the tangible plan for the student exchange in 2018 was discussed.
In addition, there was a discussion about establishing common courses, and after considering its details, Nagasaki University and Shandong University agreed to establish common courses on a trial basis in 2019. At the end, professors from both universities observed the laboratories for research and experiment to see the study environment of the students. We believe that this conference was really productive and beneficial for all.

Signing Ceremony

Group Photograph

Round Table Meeting
